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The Twelve Great Virtues

Personal acquisition of the Great Virtues builds character, integrity and morality bordering on greatness. This may seem overly simplified, yet putting these concepts into actual practice is inherently a slow and sometimes exasperating remaking of oneself. Fortunately, the environment in Adelphi provides a beneficial atmosphere for successfully achieving these goals.

Dr. White in The Ultimate Frontier

Have you ever experienced an inexplicable yearning for something that is beyond the ordinary course of life? Do you feel at times that you have been given a glimpse of something, perhaps a greatness, which you are led to seek? Do you have a desire to make a significant contribution to the world and have it be a better place for future generations? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, the Virtues can help you achieve such goals via a healthy devotion to these hallmarks of maturity.

Please judge the Virtues and Natural Law by their intrinsic sensibility and goodness. It takes effort and knowledge to get the most out of one's lifetime. To exercise dominion over self is healthy and a necessity in everyone's unique journey. The inborn quest of every human being is to persist in this inner journey and to find Truth and be released from long-held and deep-seated mistaken beliefs. Having once grasped the significance of the tool of the Great Virtues, you will be inspired to push forward to perfection. With this skill, you can be a beneficial presence in the world and live in safety; without it, dominion over self may be twisted into dominance over others.

The Twelve Great Virtues:













The control each individual has over his environment is proportional to his knowledge of that environment. As each person finds strength in the power of the Virtues and these Natural Laws, it becomes easier to deal with life's challenges. As we find strength individually, we more willingly share our new-found peace and harmony with those around us. In this very purposeful way, we are gradually contributing to a massive forward movement and upliftment of human existence. To be sure, it is slow; but at the same time, it is without parallel in its richness and reward.

The self-discipline required for acquiring the Great Virtues and purifying one's motives is the only road to true intensification of the senses, which naturally results in perception of the reality beyond the physical.

Richard Kieninger

The Virtues combine personal power with high purpose; literally self-improvement. Ultimately, we are the only ones who can improve ourselves and learn our lessons and we are the ones who savor the warm feelings of accomplishment and personal worth.

There is much to be said about each of The Twelve Great Virtues. Thumbnail definitions and study of each of them is available in The Adelphi Organization.

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